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VaporAde represents a breakthrough in the technology of controlling explosive vapors. Instead of attempting to hide vapor odors of venting fumes into the atmosphere. Using an innovative, proprietary formula, VaporAde extends the record of success written by Fire Service Plus, the industry leader in products designed to control the threat and possibilities of fires and explosives.

Add a small amount of VaporAde to water and you’ve created a powerful and reliable answer to the threat of fuel tank explosions. Fog the mixture into a tank and you lock up the vapors of gasoline and other dangerous materials. With the vapors rendered inert by VaporAde, the tank can be cleaned and returned to service in a matter of hours. Compare this quick turnaround with the days or weeks required for ventilation and other conventional methods of vapor elimination. The turnaround time means substantial savings for owners. More important, the risk to human life is reduced or eliminated.

Green Agent TechnologyTM

  • Ends the threat posed by explosive vapors in storage tank.
  • Protects expensive equipment and saves human lives.
  • Quick, efficient, economical, safe for the environment.
  • Harnesses science to tame hazardous vapors.