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Organic & Non Organic HERBS



Benefits of caraway not only for infants We will learn about 22 amazing caraway benefits that will make you drink it daily
Known caraway benefits are in treating abdominal gases and expelling the wind, but you should know that caraway has many, many other benefits for some diseases. Caraway grows every two years and reaches a length of 40-60 cm in length and is similar to the carrot plant and is usually grown in Eastern Europe, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and North Africa and contains large amounts of vitamins, fibers and minerals.



Chamomile is a well-known herb that has been used since ancient times, and is still popular and used in the current time, [1] and two types of it are used for health purposes, German Chamomile, known scientifically as (Matricaria retutica), and Roman or English chamomile, which is scientifically known as (Chamaemelum). nobile), [2] and chamomile belong to the star group bearing the scientific name (Asteraceae).



Benefits of marjoram 41 Awesome benefits of marjoram Know it in 3 minutes !!
We will quickly learn about the benefits of marjoram. Although the vitamins and minerals in marjoram are very many and in large proportions, it does not contain a lot of calories (calories), so it is used a lot in slimming. One of the strongest benefits of marjoram for diet or in slimming that it is used for those who want to do a quick diet.





The benefits of fenugreek are many for health, for the body, and fenugreek drink is sweet and savory, and is preferred by many. In this report, we look at the wonderful benefits of fenugreek for human health. Here are the benefits of the fenugreek in full:
Fenugreek is a yellow plant in color and it has seeds and has different names in many countries. In some places they call the fenugreek “hayaga” and the main habitat for fenugreek is North Africa.



Dill benefits for general health and body:
One of the most important benefits of dill is that it is very beneficial for bone health, dill contains a group of mineral elements and vitamins that are very important for bone health, dill prevents the possibility of developing osteoporosis in addition to containing appropriate amounts of calcium.



I collected the benefits of sesame and 21 sesame oil. I know it now
Sesame seeds may be small, but they are full of huge health benefits. These pills, or even their oil, may be worth their weight in gold during the middle-aged period, and also for many other reasons we will learn about in this article.



Benefits of ginger for sexual intercourse:
And you find many men searching for the benefits of ginger for sexual intercourse because they are sure of the effectiveness of these benefits, and they are also sure that a good marital life cannot dispense with a normal sexual relationship between the spouses, and that if the husband suffers from a sexual problem.



The most important benefits of thyme for skin, hair and health
Thyme is one of the most popular cooking herbs that originated in southern Europe and the Mediterranean. The ancient Egyptians used it for the purpose of embalming. The Greeks used it as incense in temples and added it to the bath water, as a source of courage. It was popularized by the Romans who used it to purify their rooms and add it to cheese and wines.



Benefits of Henna Henna relieves headache and purifies any microbes and parasites. Get rid of scalp from extra fat. It works to reduce dandruff and inflammation of the scalp. Reduces sweat secretions in the head. It nourishes the scalp and gives it vitality, strength and luster. Equal acidity in the scalp. Increases hair density. Prevents the appearance of white hair on the head. Reduce hair loss.



Today we talk about the benefits of cumin, that wonderful drink that includes many benefits for the skin, hair, sex, digestive, urinary, and respiratory systems, and other benefits.
Cumin is one of the traditional spices, which is known for its ancient medicinal properties in treating many diseases.



Hibiscus or hibiscus is one of the shrub plants with a height of about two meters, and its stems are distinguished by their red color. It is cultivated in many countries, especially Sudan and southern Egypt, and can be used in many forms, including the preparation of a hot or cold hibiscus drink. In this article.



Fennel benefits for skin, hair and health
Fennel is an aromatic herb belonging to the parsley family. It is used as a spice, because it has the sweet flavor of anise. It is an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean cuisine. It also has medicinal and aesthetic uses because it contains anethole and ginshon which gives it a beautiful scent.



Basil (also known as basil) fragrant plant leaves. Europeans used it in the 17th century to treat many diseases, and the Indians used it to raise the body’s immunity against diseases. These papers were described as sacred papers by Hindus because they offer many health and happiness reasons.
Basil benefits
Memory booster
Research has proven the ability of basil leaves to strengthen nerves and memory.
Decreasing body temperature



Molokhia is a group of edible leaves from the most famous Egyptian meals. You can eat molokhia soup every day to maintain your youth, as it is rich in more nutrients that are beneficial to the body, skin and hair.


Dried lemon

Dried lemon Black dried lemon is a small type of lemon, and it is called multiple names, including: black lemon, lome, and limi, and many others, and it is spread mainly in many Asian countries, especially in India and Iran, and it is one of the foods that carry many health benefits. For the health of the human body, because it has a very high nutritional value, it contains a very large percentage of calcium



Parts used and where it is grown:
Chrysanthemum or (hashish), also called (chrysanthemus) and is widely cultivated across Europe, North America, North Africa, and Central Asia, and is also spread in many other parts of the world, and its leaves are used for medication.



Coriander is a herbaceous plant, which lives in most regions of the world, and spreads a lot in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, in Central Asia, and the northern regions of Africa, and is also found in the Indian subcontinent, Europe, and in South America, including municipal coriander, and coriander Wild, parsley-like.



Anise is one of the seeds well known and famous on the world level, it is a plant known since ancient times, it has been mentioned in some pharaonic plans, and its uses are numerous, it is used in many medical and therapeutic uses as it is used in food to add a distinct flavor.



Peppermint helps treat many of the digestive system problems:
As it was proven that mint works to increase the secretion and activity of salivary glands and digestive enzymes, which helps the digestive system in the process of digestion, and helps in treating cases of indigestion.


